Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Trajedy

I'm sure everyone's blogs are going to be blowing up with sentiment about the Boston Marathon Bombing, as they should be. This is an awful event whether it took place during the race or not. My heart goes out to everyone that was there, whether they were racing or spectating. I can't imagine the emotions that flooded each person and the panic that must have been witnessed. I hope that this incident has not turned this prestigious event into an event that people will shy away from.

Light this up on your blog too.

I wonder how this will affect the other large races. I hope runners are not scared to register for other big events like the NYC Marathon and the Chicago Marathon. We need to show that something like this will not deter us from doing the thing we love. I'm sure (and hope) security will be heightened immensely at future races that have this large of a gathering.

Some of the articles that I have read since this has happened:





So, today I am going to run on my lunch break for 5 miles and dedicate that to all affected by yesterdays trajedy.

You should run and dedicate that time as well.

Let me know how it goes.


  1. Both you and Chris ran yesterday for the same reasons.... love you both

    1. I wonder how many people ran yesterday for that reason... Love you too!

  2. I'm in taper week, so ran 2 miles for Boston last night. I've already registered for Chicago, and I am a little scared, but nothing will keep me from doing it. Those people won't stop me.

    1. That's great that you aren't going to back out d/t fear! My bestie ran the Chicago Marathon last year. She said it was amazing - 45,000 runners! What do you have coming up that you are tapering for?

    2. I'm really looking forward to Chicago! On Saturday is my first marathon, in Carmel, Indiana!

    3. Awesome! I stopped over and read your blog today and commented on your Races page. Good luck!!
