Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Old Port Shipyard Half Marathon Recap

This race was on Sunday, July 14th. I signed up for this half over the winter and then planned a camping trip in the area with my family and my parents. My mom ended up taking me to the race so the boys could stay at the campground and swim/bike/play.

The race had a start time of 7:30 a.m. and we were about an hours drive from there, so we left around 5:45 just to ensure plenty of time to park, use the potty (yup, potty) and get to the start. We made really good time and arrived in the Old Port (a part of Portland, Maine) around 6:35. However, there was so much traffic because of all the racers trying to find parking and being redirected by staff that we ended up sitting in the car until 7:00. I started to get worried that I wasn't going to have time to get my packet and get in line before the race so my mom and I jumped out of the car while we were sitting in the road and decided on a place to meet. I stuffed a twenty in my iPod arm-band just in case I needed some cash, grabbed my visor and then ran to the gateway where packet pick-up was. Luckily there was a lot of staff and I didn't have to wait to grab my bib. They also had a bag drop-off so I wrote my bib # on a Ziploc stuffed my shirt and sticker and phone in the bag and handed it to the lady and then ran down to the start.

I did not have time to get in the ridiculous line to go to the bathroom so I just got ready to start. There weren't corrals, but they did have pace markers set up so you could get into the start line around other people of your same pace. I wasn't sure what I would be doing for a pace that day because it was ridiculously hot and humid. Temps were mid 90s with humidity around 70%. I normally run anywhere from 9:30 to 10:20 min miles when I do long runs, but I had never done a long run in these temps. This whether came out of nowhere! I lined up with the 10:30 pace group assuming I would be a little on the slow side.

Little did I know I paced much slower than that.

Starting the race:

I actually felt really good the entire race. There were a couple long steep hills around miles 1.5 to 4, but after that the race course was mainly flat and slightly downhill.

All the hip flexor strengthening I did throughout the spring and early summer definitely paid off. I didn't have one ache or pain the entire race. 

My feet did great too. My first half marathon in 2009 I ended up with black toenails on my big toes (they didn't fall off though). This time the shoes I was wearing were a better fit and I didn't have any issues.

During my first half marathon I ended up with an awful back ache around mile 10 in my low back. My core was still fairly week from only having Elijah 14 months prior and not having done enough strengthening or prep for the race.

This time I was much stronger. However at mile 10 I still ended up walking because of the heat. I was so over heated despite drinking water AND Gatorade at every station. There were water stations every 1 to 1.5 miles.

2nd shot my mom got...

At one station - around mile 8 - I accidentally dumped a cup of Gatorade over my head. Ooops! lol

My finish time was 2 hours and 36 minutes. I was not happy with this time, but I was okay with it. It was still faster than my first half marathon time by a couple minutes. I figure because of the heat I went much slower. Maybe on a perfect condition day I would have been a little closer to 2:15 like I wanted.

Overall, the race was great. The course was beautiful - set along the ocean for most of the race. The staff was friendly and always cheering. The swag was great too.

After crossing the finishline you were handed your medal, a water bottle and lots of goodies.

Yasso Greek Frozen Yogurt was there with strawberry and vanilla pops.

Eli's Soda was there with drinks for everyone as well.
Shipyard also had a beer tent at the end, and everyone who registered and was 21 and over were givena bracelet and 2 free beers!

Here's my swag:

My Finisher's Medal:
Love this medal

The Old Port is a beautiful place. If you ever want to travel to Maine, do it in the summer, and maybe come do this race. It was WICKED Fun!

Don't forget about the giveaway of Island Boost that ends Friday night! 
Enter here: Island Boost Giveaway

What race is your favorite medal from?

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Island Boost #PerformanceFuel Review & GIVEAWAY!!! (Closed)

I contacted the creator, Laura Mildon, of this performance fuel product quite a while ago so that I could do a review and giveaway with it. She quickly responded and sent a package to me of 6 samples in 3 different flavors. I was intrigued just by the name of this fuel.


Makes me think tropical (i.e. delicious) and a bump in my energy.

The three flavors sent to me were

1) Strawberry-Orange (which is the one I sampled)

2) Passion Fruit


3) Blueberry-Pomegranate

All sound delicious and the Strawberry-Orange definitely held up to my standards. The flavor was great and I loved that it was a liquid instead of a gel or chew.

Check out there website here: Island Boost

Seen on the back of the package: 
              Island Boost is the fastest fuel for your muscles, that delivers electrolytes to help prevent muscle cramping. Guaranteed to eliminate stomach issues associated with strenuous activity.

As stated, I did not experience any stomach issues and I could definitely feel the BOOST in energy. I don't normally get any stomach issues with chews, but I have had upset stomach from gels before. So if this happens to you, you should definitely give Island Boost a try!

Some other things you should know that make this product exceptional:

  • The package is tall so that the liquid will sit at the bottom and not spill on you when you tear off the tab at the top. Fold the top over and it's the same size as a packet of Gu - so don't let the size of the package make you think it's actually bigger. 
  • No maltodextrin - this is the carbohydrate used in most products. It's an artificial, man-made polymerized carbohydrate and for many can upset the stomach. We use glucose as our primary carb and fructose (natural fructose, NOT a jacked up polymerized version that is seen in HFCS)
  • Flavored with natural fruit juices
  • Great frozen - a refreshing way to refuel on hot training days or to restore electrolytes after a run. 
So, to one lucky reader, I will 
mail (within the U.S.) one of each flavor!

1) All you have to do is comment below on how you use performance fuel to enter.

For additional entries please do the following:

2) Follow Island boost on Twitter @IslandBoost & leave a separate comment that you did.

3) Follow Island boost on Instagram: IslandBoost & leave a separate comment that you did.
4) Like Island Boost on Facebook: & leave a separate comment that you did.
5) Like my Facebook page: & leave a separate comment that you did.
That is 5 possible entries total!

Giveaway will end next Friday, August 2nd & the winner will be announced Saturday, August 3rd.
Good luck!
(I was in no way compensated for this review.  What I have stated are 
my honest opinions of the product. All other facts 
listed were provided by the company.)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Firecracker 5K Recap

A little late I know. :-/

But as you have seen with most of my posts so far this summer, I have been checking in here rarely because we have been so busy!

The Firecracker 5k was a local race I participated in on Independence day this year. This was my third time doing the race. I did it in 2003 & 2012 as well. It was only an 8 minute drive to get to the start. There was also a kids Fun Run that was a mile long before the 5k started.

We got there fairly early and got registered. I received a race tee with my entry fee (only $10!!!). The kids fun run was free and it was first come first serve for the kids to get a tee. Unfortunately Noah missed out.

Pinning on the bibs

 My friends and I waiting to get started

 Noah waiting nervously

Poor guy was so nervous! I went over to him and
he said, "I don't want to do it anymore" in a really low voice.
I gave him some encouragement though and he was ready to go!

 Here he comes!

 Pretty proud of himself

I was so proud of him participating in this fun run. He has been doing shorter fun runs since he was 3. This was his first time competing in a mile long one. He did awesome and finished in just 9:11. I am pretty proud of him for that!

My little guy, Elijah, is not to that point yet so he stayed on the sidelines with my mom and some friends and watched his brother.
Entertaining my mom with funny faces

The temps were quite high - 90s - and the humidity was around 70%. Suffocating.

When the 5k started at 8:30 I started off next to a couple of my friends and then followed them for most of the race. I was trying to get under 29 minutes at this race.

Here we go!

It didn't happen.

It was so hot. However, I did do better that my time at the Mother's Day 5k this year. So I was happy about that. I finished in 29:43 which is a pace of 9:33. I was happy with that effort since it was that hot out.

End of the race; tired & hot

Now what would that have been equal to with perfect conditions? Maybe close to a 9 minute mile...

The support staff was great, the run was fun and well organized. At the end of the race there was a huge sprinkler set up and water was provided.

I love doing our small local races. There were only 237 participants - fairly big for our area - but so much fun, and you run into a bunch of people you know.

After the race we went and watched the parade. I was a hot sweaty mess, but spending that time with my boys was fun no matter what. Seeing the excitement they get from the fire trucks honking, the old rifles being fired, and antique trucks revving their engines was great.

Waiting for the parade to get started :)

 Looking at the civil war reenactors firing their guns

Sitting with my boys :) Got my race tee on!

Hope you enjoyed the recap!

Have you raced lately?


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hot Summer Days

I keep forgetting to take my mom's SD card from her so I can have photos to put up when I post my race recaps :-/

So today I'm going to show you all a little bit of what my family has been up to so far this summer.

I mentioned in my last post that we have been swimming, fishing, camping & tubing. It's been a blast! We have been pretty busy which accounts for my lack of appearance on here the past couple weeks.

I'm ready to slow down a little and have a weekend at home, but I don't see that happening until maybe the last weekend in July.

Summer is flying by right?!

Here is my photo dump!! :

Day at Megunticook Lake swimming and fishing :)

 (He wasn't aiming for his brother even 
though it looks like it!)

Brotherly Love <3

 Dad getting the poles ready for the boys

Why so serious son?

Love this photo!

His line was already in, but he thinks
he's casting. lol

We didn't catch any fish though. :-/

Day at Beaver Lodge on Alford Lake:

Tubing with family!

 Eli wanted to drive instead of tube after his first ride...
it was a little scary for him.

Brie and Noah :)

Eli looking cool in his new shades

Brie and Noah tubing

Camping this past weekend @ Flat Rock Bridge Campground in Lebanon, ME:

It was pirate weekend at the campground and
some random guy was walking around with his

Cosmo and Chris

I was a little nervous but I did it!

He kept walking up my arm and was really close to my face

Nini getting some lovin' from her grandbabies <3

Sitting around the campfire :)

Hopefully tomorrow I will have that SD card and post my race recaps WITH photos!

What have you all been up to this summer??


Monday, July 15, 2013

Need to Hijack My Mom's SD Card...

I have a bunch of stuff to tell you guys about but I can't load pictures until tomorrow! :(

I still haven't written the recap to the Firecracker 5k I did on the 4th, and I have another race recap to write.

I did my 2nd EVER half marathon yesterday - the 3rd Annual Old Port Shipyard Half Marathon. It was a blast!!

I have just a couple shots to share tomorrow once I hijack my mom's SD card.

I have been absent once again from the blog due to how busy my family is during the summer. With two active, energy-filled little boys we are constantly on the move. I will share some of our latest adventures soon including fishing, water tubing, swimming & camping!

Hope you all are having as much fun as we are this summer!

I'll check in tomorrow, for sure! :)
