If you missed the post previous to this here's the link: Brandon Feyler Memorial 5k That will fill you in a little on why I direct this race :)
Last year, the first year we held the race, was hotter than @#$! even though we started fairly early for a Maine race. It was 90 degrees by the time the runners were coming in around 8:50/9:00 a.m. We only had 24 people register last year.
This year it was misting heavily all morning. (The sun came out when we got home!) The temps were low 60s, and we had 30 people register. I think we would have had more if there wasn't nasty weather. (However, there was also another 5k that day in a neighboring town which drew a decent number of runners too.) We did have walkers at this race too, and I'm thinking of advertising to gain more walkers next year and having a start time for the walkers separate from the runners.
Before the morning even started I was woken from my deep slumber by my 4 year old, Elijah, crying in my bathroom because he had gotten sick. Still not sure what it was, but we both ended up with a short-lived stomach bug. Mine didn't show up until late morning. Needless to say I was up and down all night with the little guy not feeling well and ended up with 4 hours total of sleep. Good thing I wasn't racing! This was a hard way to start the day though.
The boys and I were out the door to head to the school by 5:45 a.m. They were wide awake too!
My parents, my aunt & uncle (Brandon's parents), Lynn and I set up the tent, tables, water station, the coolers full of water & freezer pops, sliced oranges and set out granola bars. (Thank you to Hannaford for the donation of food & water!)
We had all the packets out and ready, but it was misting so heavily we had to keep them heavy so the waivers people had to sign wouldn't be too hard to write on.
Racers showed up early to register and a couple who had pre-registered DNS, I'm assuming due to weather. The first 25 that registered received a race tee. We did not do race tees last year since it is a big expense if you don't have sponsors to cover it. Since we had more racers this year, I think we will try and get sponsors for next year so we can give out race tees to everyone.
My hubby showed up around 7:45 (he works at night, but was still a trooper and helped out at the water station) and headed down to help my dad.
The race started at 8:00 a.m. sharp at the sound of me yelling "Runners, on your mark, get set, go!"
The course is an out and back run on the road that the high school is on. It's a quick run with some small hills. It's a fast course though.
Unfortunately I do not have any photos
of the 5k racers/walkers in action. :(
Photos post race:
Handing Darren his gold medal ( he came in at 19:20!)
1st place female:
2nd place male:
2nd place female:
3rd place male:
My Gram drawing names for the raffle winners
Laughing because she drew her nephew, my cousin,
behind her who one the G.C.
Funny kiddos!
We gave out medals to the top 3 male and top 3 female racers. 1st place male and female racers recieved a Nathan Sports water bottle that had Island Boost (I'll be doing a review on this product this week), Nuun, and pink laces (#sweatpink!!). I also raffled off a few more pairs of pink laces, a handheld water bottle, and a $25.00 G.C. to Maine Sport Outfitters (which my cousin ended up winning).
We also had a kids fun run which my boys, 2 of my cousin's kids, and my Uncle's granddaughter ran in. We gave out participation ribbons to the kiddos at the end.
Kids giving it their all on the fun run:
Brie & Noah pushing it!
Seth running hard
Elijah coming in 4th
Cordelia keeping with it following her dad!
So happy she made it with the "big" kids! :)
All in all we had an awesome time and look forward to next year's race and hopefully having more runners!
This is the link to the results that I loaded for the race: http://www.coolrunning.com/results/13/me/Jun29_Brando_set1.shtml
Do any of you direct a race?
What did you all do this weekend?